Nathan Damigo is a combat veteran of the Iraq war. He acquired an undergraduate degree in social science from California State University, Stanislaus.
In March 2016 he created Identity Evropa, a North American based Identitarian organization dedicated to creating a better future for People of European Heritage.
His work has been published in Radix Journal and His activities as an activist have been reported by The BBC, CNN, NPR, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, Showtime, Return of Kings, Reuters, Rebel Media, Red Ice, Talking Points Memo, Newsweek, WIRED, Heatstreet, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Daily Stormer, The Daily Beast, The Young Turks, Mother Jones, Mondowiess, and Jacobin.
Following a hiatus in the aftermath of the now infamous Unite the Right rally, Damigo has returned with hard hitting commentary, offering lessons on Strategic Building and providing clarity to White advocates.